Gordon United Church participates in a number of ongoing outreach projects such as:
- Community Dinners
- Donations to help the local community
- Overseas Aid
- Messy Church
- Low cost room rentals
Examples of Outreach
- Community dinners are served two Mondays per month at 5:00pm to 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome. Our meal is free. Please check <http://gordonunitedchurch.ca/sunday-bulletin/”>our bulletin for exact dates each month.
- Donations to help the local community are made to:
- 1. Goldstream Food Bank
- 2. Our Place Society
- distributing and collecting socks and toiletries
- Christmas “Angel” gifts – The Angel Gifts program is a chance to share friendly greetings with someone in need. The Angel Gift may be the only gift that person receives. Our Place Co-ordinates the distribution of Angel Gifts.
- 3. University of Victoria Chaplaincy Multifaith Services
- Soup for Students.
- 4. Camp Pringle We also collect Canadian Tire Money for this cause.
- 5. Kairos Ecumenical Justice Initiatives such as the Blanket Exercise
- 6. A local refugee family from Syria
- 7.The United Church of Canada Mission and Service Fund
- 8. Threshold Youth Housing
- 9. Priory Worship. Our church helps with a worship service at the “Priory, Langford, an assisted living facility the third Sunday each month.
- Overseas Aid
- 1. Fair Trade coffee is served at all church functions
- 2. United Church of Canada Mission and Service Fund
- 3. Compassionate Resource Warehouse
- collecting wool
- empty prescription bottle
- 4. Supporting events to raise money overseas for organizations such as the Canadian Food Grains Bank.
- 5. Canada Comforts
- Low cost room use – Gordon United provides low cost meeting rooms s to various service groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Girl Guides, Brownies, 12 step groups, Al-Anon, TOPS, Pacific Edge Chorus, the Almosthome Preschool and the Kids Klub. If your group is interested please check out our facilities page to see about room sizes/shapes and phone us for special donation pricing.
We are able to support these outreach events by your gifts to the church.