FROM 10:00 AM TO 2:30 PM
Gordon United Church invites you to join in celebrating our new status as an Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Canada.
As an Affirming Church we are committed to following Jesus‘ example as we embrace people of all ages, racialized groups, genders, sexual orientations, gender identities, ethnic origins, political beliefs, economic circumstances and differing abilities and challenges in the ministry and life of Gordon United Church.
2023 Annual report has been published and can be viewed here: 2023-annual-report-final
CHECK OUT What’s New at Gordon United Church for all the latest news.
Rev. Heidi’s Sunday Evening Reflections have been paused but previous services are still available for viewing. If you simply wish to view, you don’t need to log in to YouTube. CLICK HERE FOR OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL
February 2023- MASKING is now optional at Gordon United; please be respectful of others’ wishes and if someone asks you to wear a mask for their safety and comfort, please do so. Thank-you!
Gordon United Church
Minister’s Welcome
Welcome to the Gordon United Church webpage! Gordon United, like many churches, feels like family for many people who attend. The bigger the family the better, as all are our siblings in Christ. Our goal is to be both a welcoming congregation for those who choose to become involved but also an active part of the community beyond the church building. Worship is a mixture of the traditional and the contemporary; preaching is Biblical and related to everyday life. Members of the congregation take an active part in leading worship. We love to sing together, which can feel a little weird if you’re not used to it. Just think of it as “group karaoke”!
This is a community of people who really appreciate each other and would be glad to have you become a part of the family. All ages, abilities, or backgrounds are invited to become involved in the life of this Christian community. A special welcome is extended to our 2SLGBTQiA+ friends. We do try to make everyone feel “at home”. Please talk to us if you have ideas on ways for improvements so that we can be the best that we can possibly be for our community within the Church and outside of our walls.
At Gordon United there are opportunities to get to know one another, to learn together, and to make a difference in the community and in the world. The United Church of Canada is a “big-tent” denomination, with lots of variety in how people follow Jesus and what they believe. This is a place where asking questions is not just allowed, but encouraged! You do not need to be a regular church attender, or even a Christian to feel welcome as part of Gordon United.
Bringing the generations together is important to the congregation. Find out about our Children’s Ministry and Messy Church. We have a separate children’s program twice a month during the school year; the other Sundays we invite children to be present for worship. Children learn by doing, and we want them to feel that they are a full part of the life of the congregation. Home worship packs are distributed several times a year so you can grow in faith at home. Our Family Fun events occur several times a year in partnership with the Anglican church of the Advent (also an Affirming Church).
Gordon United strives to make a difference by deepening and acting on our faith; responding to God’s ancient call to live justly and peaceably. Join us any time, as often as you like. We hope that you will consider making Gordon United your church home.
All who wish to explore what it means to follow Jesus are welcome in this place. So please come and join us exactly as you are — you are welcome in your denim, your joggers or your flounces and frills. I look forward to connecting with you.
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