Spiritual Groups

There are several spiritual groups including:

Pastoral Care Team
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Requests
Study groups

Pastoral Care Team

Need pastoral care? Contact us through Pastoral care email or phone the church office 250-478-6632. All information is confidential.

The members of the pastoral Care Team of Gordon United Church are a dedicated group of volunteers who help our minister in providing continuing and emergent spiritual and emotional support to those in need in our congregation and community. Activities of the Pastoral care team include:

1. Making a phone call, sending a card, or visiting in a home, facility or hospital.

2. Deliver Christmas poinsettias to folks on the visitation list.

3. Make prayer shawls – The Prayer Shawl Ministry began in 2010.  “Shawls [are] symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving, God.They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beautify.” (Janet Severi Bristow, 1998)

Prayer Requests

If you have an urgent or ongoing prayer request, contact us through Prayer in a Minute email, or you can leave a message at the church at 250-478-6632.

Names and circumstances need not be included with prayer requests and all information that is provided will be kept confidential.

Study Groups

Various study groups are offered throughout the year depending on the interest of the congregation. Please contact the Church for more information about upcoming study groups or check the weekly announcements.

Bible Studies:
These studies will cover a variety of topics that create various fruitful discussions. The topics strengthen your faith and help you to grow as a Christian in an ever changing world.

Resources that might be useful include:

101 United Church

    The 101 United Church study is a great introduction to our church. It provides an overview of our beliefs including the Bible, sacraments, baptisms, communion, inclusiveness, children, marriage and social justice. it is held once per year.

Click this link for a list of United Church resources might be useful for this course.