Service Groups

United Church Women (UCW)

The UCW’s purpose is to provide women opportunities and service to our church and community.  Our UCW supports various service and charitable organizations.

  • Donations are made annually to the Mission & Service Fund, The Victoria Presbyterial United Church Women, and Camp Pringle, to the Gordon United church in support of the sanitizer maintenance-repair, as well as the full purchase of a new office computer.
  • It also supports the University of Victoria Campus Ministry by providing soup, buns, vegetables and dip, and cookies for students.
  • The group indirectly supports developing countries as the coffee served on Sunday morning and at all events is purchased by UCW from level Ground Trading whose mission is “to trade fairly and directly with small-scale producers.”

Major fundraisers are:

  • Poinsettia Tea and Bazaar
  • Bargain Book Sale
  • UCW collects these to assist other organizations: Used Stamps for Oxfam

All women are welcome to attend the UCW meetings.

Our GAG Group gathers in friendship to become more acquainted with each other on the third Monday of each month.


Activities normally include:

1. Facilitating relationships –

a. Bunwich Sunday is a popular event that we host on the last Sunday of each month allowing the Congregation to enjoy the opportunity to get to know each other more.

b. Lunch Bunch – On the 20th of each month we invite everyone to join us at a local restaurant . A great tradition as we support our community and get to know each other more. If you can join us contact the Church Office for the current restaurant location.

2. Fundraising – Each year we fund raise through cookie and cupcake sales, the sale of Christmas poinsettias and any catering as requested.  Our profits are used towards special needs in the church.