There are a variety of ways to give to the church. These include:
1. Volunteering your time (all of our groups would welcome a volunteer!) Here are a few current needs and activities:
Teachers needed for Sunday School: We need a leader and an extra substitute teacher, who can prepare lesson plans and lead them. Thank-you to those who have volunteered to help. Curriculum is provided. Please speak to Rev. Heidi if you can help!
2. Giving money – Donations can be made to Gordon United Church as an “In Memorium”, towards a special project, towards Outreach and even to our General Funds. Tax receipts are issued once per year usually in March.
- a) Credit Card or PayPal
- b. Cheque or money in a donation envelope for receipts (ask Linda Di Mambro for these) Tax receipts are issued once per year usually in March.
- c. PAR (Pre-authorized remittance). Your account will be debited on or about the 20th of the month. Fill in an authorization card and attach a sample check marked “Void”. Contact Ken McDougall for signup. These forms are also often in the offering plate but can also be downloaded by clicking the following link to our form:
3. Collecting items
- Yarns and empty prescription bottles for Compassionate Resources Warehouse
- Food items for the Goldstream Food Bank
- Items for Our Place (socks, toiletries, used or new clothing)
- Support to Refugees